Videogames assessment: Learner response

 Videogames assessment: Learner response

1) Copy and paste your feedback into your blog in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

Grade: B


WWW: You show good focus on the question, discussing genre throughout and making some quite detailed reference to the chosen CSPs. You bring in theory from Neale and Jenkins and also link their ideas to the question and to the products. I particularly like your discussion of The Sims and the different audience pleasures it offers.


EBI: I’d like to see a little more detail in terms of your use and application of media theory in order to open up the top bands. This doesn’t necessarily require more genre theories – you could equally have gone into more depth applying Neale and Jenkins, exploring their ideas from both sides of the argument.

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully - in particular the indicative or suggested content. Identify three specific points that you could have made in your response.

  • Counterpoint: genre was less important for Tomb Raider Anniversary as the game was not attempting to target new fans, rather an already established market. Indeed, some gamers (particularly female) may have been discouraged from engaging with the product due to the sexualised nature of the character of Lara Croft. Here, genre would be less of a consideration than the objectification of the female playable character.
  • Tomb Raiders franchises offer audiences pleasure such as similarities to Indiana Jones.
  • It could be argued that genre is important to the marketing, promotion and reception of
  • video games and that this is a key reason why Metro did very well in their sales. 

  • 3) Now read this exemplar answer. Write one thing that you can learn from this exemplar - it could be content, structure, writing style or something else. 

    Something I could use in my own exam taken from this exemplar would be the structure they have used for each paragraph.  

    4) Finally, identify three key areas you plan to revise for Videogames for the in-class assessment on Videogames after Easter. 

    1) Writing style

    2) industry content

    3) My timing for each question and paragraph. 


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