Factsheet 03 - Genre:

1) What example is provided of why visual iconographies are so important?
The example used is codes and conventions. This is important to visual inconographies as it develops genre or link to a certain production.

2) What examples are provided of the importance of narrative in identifying genre?
The example provided is soap-operas ans sit-com. The importance of narrative identifying genre is that it may have similar themes but have different ways of resolving narratives. Such as soap-operas tend to use multi-strand narratives whereas sit-com use episodic narratives

3) What is the difference between character representation in action movies and disaster movies?
character representation in action movies indicates the protagonist to be the 'lone wolf' as he/she works alone and tends to isolate the action hero from others. whereas, in disaster movies the hero/heroine works together and uses help and guidance from other to achieve their mission.

4) What are the different ways films can be categorised according to Bordwell? 
According to Bordwell the different ways in which film can be categorised are;
1. Period or country.
2. Director/Star.
3. Technical process.
4. Style.
5. series.
6. audience.
5) List three ways genre is used by audiences.
One way in which genre is used by audiences is through 'prior knowledge'. Another way in which genre is used by audiences are 'compare'. Another way is through 'rejecting texts'.
6) List three ways genre is used by institutions or producers.
One way in which genre is used by institutions and produces are'Production/paradigms'. Another way in which they use genre is through 'attracting an audience'. Another example is through 'marketing texts'.
7) What film genre is used as an example of how genres evolve? What films and conventions are mentioned?

The film genre used as example of how genres evolve is gangster films. The conventions that are mentioned are 'surprise','pleasure'. these are used to attract audiences by using sub-genres.

Factsheet 126 - Superheroes: 

1) List five films the factsheet discusses with regards to the Superhero genre.
The x-men franchise, The avengers, spider-man, guardians of the galaxy, agents of shield.

2) What examples are provided of how the Superhero genre has reflected the changing values, ideologies and world events of the last 70 years?
The examples provided were superman fighting off different villains from different social background or reading such as superman fighting off lex Luther in 1978. This also applied when he fought off European 'bad guys' even they were fighting for the greater good of metropolis. 

3) How can Schatz's theory of genre cycles be applied to the Superhero genre?
The innovation, classical and parody of Schatz's theory of genre can be applied as 'the changing face of Batwan' is a clear example of the re construction of widely known characters. The 'deconstruction' and 'cycle continuation' can be applied to the 1978 superman as a way to bring back and vitalise the new age of superhero genre. The cycle continuation can be stated by the tragedy of Batman and Robin hood so the genre decided it needed more character to revert the superhero genre back into business. 

own genre analysis

General- mindhunter

1) Why did you choose the text you are analysing?
I chose this text because it represented the genre conventions in a TV show but also subverts common conventions. 

2) In what context did you encounter it?

I had encountered it through friends telling me about it and it was advertising 
It on YouTube before a video I was watching. 

3) What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text?
The influence in context after watching the trailer indicated the genre and the plot lines which really stood out to me. Before the advert had came on I was watching a film review of another movie. 

4) To what genre did you initially assign the text?
The genre I had initially assign to was psychological thriller or drama/mystery. 

5) What is your experience of this genre?

My experience of this genre was different but in a good way as I really enjoyed the different genres intertwined but making it a great TV show. 

6) What subject matter and basic themes is the text concerned with?
The subject matter of this TV show was about two psychologist working in the FBI going around interviewing convicted serial killers and analysing them to figure out sighs and traits serial killers share to catch one before they start Killing and treat them. The propp characters theory can apply as the the stock characters are formed and work well like a disaster film type. The basic theme is the same but they apply it to different situations and all have multi strand story lines they need to work with. 

7) How typical of the genre is this text in terms of content?
Not very typical as it wasn't widely marketed but was streaming a lot of views and had based a cult- like fan base. 

8) What expectations do you have about texts in this genre?
My expectations were just formed after the first episode which was that it used real serial killers but gave it a mysterious spin which fitted well. The show was set in the 1970s but had a twist of using different characters to subvert stereotypes at that time. 

9) Have you found any formal generic labels for this particular text (where)?
On IMDB the genre given is crime,thriller and drama.

10) What generic labels have others given the same text?
Other generic labels given to this show would've of been psychological thriller and mystery. 

11) Which conventions of the genre do you recognise in the text?
The conventions I recognise in this show are the common workplace attire, the lightning of the underground office they use to carry out these investigations because they have to keep it out of the public viewing. The recorder that would be used and serial killers. 

12) To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre?
It stretches the convention of genre through adding different aspects of how they conduct it and put the information into use. The multi strand narratives help construct a different understanding of the characters feel about the reasons behind the serial murders. This show also had conventions which subverted one genre because it also had elements of the philosophical genre as it gave reading to the madness and chaos happening in the 1970s.

13) Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre?
They would've departed from the conventions of genre by adding scenes if thriller and suspense. This is when the convicted 'Ted Ed killer' greeted the agents and was willing to talk the suspense surrounding was that he was this cruel killer but he was humanised in the series and he was educated and collective. 

14) Which conventions seem more like those of a different genre (and which genre(s))?

It would have elements of horror and thriller. 

15) What familiar motifs or images are used?
The familiar motifs and images that were used are the action and suspenseful scenes shown in the trailer to market the show this would be because it would get the audience questioning the reasoning behind each scene and the narrative linked. 

Mode of address

1) What sort of audience did you feel that the text was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre)?
This genre would be typical as it some sort fictional spin with real events. The sort of audience it would be aimed at would be young adults as some of the themes are for mature viewers.

3) What sort of person does it assume you are?
It would've assumed me to be educated and fascinated with the science behind a persons action. It would've indicated escapism and assertiveness with understanding. 

4) What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity?

The assumption being made about my class would working class and my age would be 18 to 24, the gender would've been aimed at males and females, the ethnicity would've been Caucasian white men and women. 

5) What interests does it assume you have?

It would assume I have interests that vary but I have a fascination with the humanities and the boundaries of science. 

Relationship to other texts

1) What intertextual references are there in the text you are analysing (and to what other texts)?
There are references from past made TV shows/films such as criminal mind,The Blacklist, slasher and scream the movie. 

2) Generically, which other texts does the text you are analysing resemble most closely?
The show it resembles most closely would be criminal minds as it has constructed the same elements of  understanding the human mind and using that information to catch and convict killers or potential ones.

3) What key features are shared by these texts?
They both explore the understanding behind a criminals behaviour and uses a lot of suspense and cliffhangers to attract audiences.

4) What major differences do you notice between them?
Criminal mind has been on air for fourteen season whereas Mindhunter has been on for two successful seasons. A clear distinction would be that Mindhunter has more diverse multi- strand narratives and stock characters, whereas Criminal Minds use an episodic narrative in their show and the characters have the same agenda. 


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