Public service broadcasting: blog tasks
Ofcom report
Read the first few pages of this Ofcom report into Public Service Broadcasting in 2017.
1) How does the report suggest that TV viewing is changing?
They suggested that TV viewing is changing as people are increasingly viewing content from different platforms. This is due to young people watching a lot of non-PSB content.
2) What differences are highlighted between younger and older viewers?
The difference between younger and older viewers are that viewers over the age of 65+ are watching around 5 hours and 44 minutes of TV. whereas younger audiences are watching around 1 hour and 54 minutes.
3) Does the report suggest audiences are satisfied with public service broadcasting TV channels?
Its states that 78% of regular or occasional viewers of any PSB channel are satisfied with PSB broadcasting which is higher than in 2015.
4) Public service broadcasting channels are a major aspect of the UK cultural industries. How much money did PSB channels spend on UK-originated content in 2016?
It states that PSB channels spend around £2.6 billion on British originated content in 2016. which is a 2% increase in real terms.
Goldsmiths report
Read this report from Goldsmiths University - A future for public service television: content and platforms in a digital world.
1) What does the report state has changed in the UK television market in the last 20 years?
The UK TV market has changed drastically in the last 20 years as they reduced the market share for BBC, ITV, channel 4 and channel 5.
2) Look at page 4. What are the principles that the report suggests need to be embedded in regulation of public service broadcasting in future?
It states that Ofcom should do occasional reviews of public service broadcasting with a regular qualitative audit. They also state that the principles that should be embedded are " Independence, university, citizenship, quality and diversity".
3) What does the report say about the BBC?
It states the BBC is the most important of the television ecology but with model of university underpinning its public service is under threat. They also state that the funding model of the licence is sending the BBC into a vulnerable area.
4) According to the report, how should the BBC be funded in future?
The government should hand-over funding decision making to the BBC and should be overseen by a new independent appointments.
5) What does the report say about Channel 4?
It states that channel 4 occupies a difficult place in the public service ecology. This is because they support they support the independent production sector.
6) How should Channel 4 operate in future?
They should not become privatised not even a part as the government as it could affect channels 4 platform.
7) Look at page 10 - new kids on the block. What does the report say about new digital content providers and their link to public service broadcasting?
They believe that the growing contributing to digital media is made by specific cultural institutions and these should be boosted by a specific public intervention.
Final questions - your opinion on public service broadcasting
1) Should the BBC retain its position as the UK’s public service broadcaster?
Yes, i think the BBC should retain its position as the UK's service broadcaster because they provide many platforms and different genres of media which can be used to their advantage.
2) Is there a role for the BBC in the 21st century digital world?
I would agree to an extent because they provide unbiased news which is needed at this age because of the increased political tensions and brexist however they also provide different platforms such BBC three and BBC ONE which is widely watched. however, the BBC is a form of traditional media which means with the rise in non-PSB TV its harder to make people lure into the BBC.
3) Should the BBC funding model (license fee) change? How?
If they were to change the funding model i would suggest they start adapting to the new wave of non-PSB TV channels as a form of revenue also more young people will decide to come on board as it will mean BBC is catering to the non traditional media and the offline form. However if they were to change the funding model it will have to be at a price that young people can afford and is easily accessed.
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